Our Meute "Waptume" currently consists of about 15 Wölflinge (Cub Scouts) between the ages of 6 and 12 years.Our Meute "Waptume" currently consists of about 15 Wölflinge (Cub Scouts) between the ages of 6 and 12 years. The main goal of the pack is to playfully teach our Cub Scouts about the life as a Scout.
You can recognize them by their orange neckerchief.
Unsere Wölflinge arbeiten stehts darauf hin, ihr Halstuch zu bekommen. Hierfür brauchen sie sieben Pfotenabdrücke in ihrem Probenbuch, dem „Spurbuch“ (In Anlehnung an das Dschungelbuch). Diese Proben bestehen aus Aufgaben wie Bäume, Pflanzen und Tiere zu erkennen, Spuren zu lesen oder die Himmelsrichtungen zu kennen.
Otherwise, the pack program is very diverse, with lots of games, crafts, or whatever we feel like doing. The important thing is that everyone goes home happy (and exhausted) at the end!